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The Tiny House Movement: An Insider’s Guide To Living Small – Living 360

You may not have noticed, but a movement has begun to take place in America- the tiny house movement. This movement is exactly what it sounds like. People have begun to forgo large, sprawling houses in favor of something new and different, a tiny house which is beautifully built and has everything you need to live comfortably.


This movement has gained a lot of traction in the last few years. There are many reasons that people are choosing to live this way, and the main reasons are for financial and environmental concerns. Most Americans spend one third to one half of their income simply on the roof over their head and the money it costs to keep these homes running. They devote over fifteen working years to paying off their mortgages, and over 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. So, they get a job so that they can earn money to enjoy and use to experience life, but they spend their lifetimes paying this out so that they can have a house to live in. With almost 7-% of Americans trapped in a cycle of debt, the option to live smaller is one that could help so, so many.


These tiny homes have been documented by Guardian, Opera, CNN, AP, Huffington Post, NBC and other big brand journalists. The word about the tiny house movement is spreading far and wide. Many people think there is only one way of living- to buy a property and spend the next quarter of your life paying off the loan or mortgage. They do not realize that there is another option. An option that takes less time, less money, and provides you with more freedom and opportunity.


The typical American home is about 2,600 square feet. The typical ‘tiny house’ is between 100 and 400 square feet. That is a difference of 2,500 to 2,200 square feet in size. However, just because these houses are small does not mean that they lack any style or character. The houses come in all forms, with different shapes and sizes. They simply are smaller versions of larger homes that allow more efficient and simple living. As the size of the home is greatly reduced, so are the living costs. Larger homes need more spent on heating, taxes, building, maintenance and repair. They also become more cluttered and full of useless ‘stuff’ that you do not need around, causing the residents stress and worry.


The tiny house, on the other hand, does not need a building permit, has no space for clutter and hoarding and will cost next to nothing in utility bills. They also benefit from beautiful and inspirational design, with multi-functional furniture, smarter, smaller appliances and all kinds of ways to optimize the space.

Let us hit you with some more fact: first of all, 68% of tiny house livers have absolutely no mortgage. That means no mortgage repayments, so no debt. Whilst 78% already own their tiny home. It is not difficult to see why these numbers are so impressive when you realize that tiny homes, if built by the owner, have an average cost of just $23,000. In comparison, the average American home costs $272,000, and that is before you add on the cost of the mortgage repayments and interest. Therefore, 89% of tiny home livers have less credit card debt than the average American, with 62% having no credit card debt at all! $42,000 is the annual income per capita of these tiny dwellers, have 55% have more savings than average Americans. With statistics like these, what are you waiting for?


Finally, a tiny house is good for your wallet, your mind and your heart. Imagine living in a tiny house in a forest. Instead of waking up in a big house in the city, on a street full of the same old buildings. Food for thought? We think so.


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