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This “Drinkable Book” Purifies Water And Is Saving Millions Of Lives
Consider these facts for moment and try to grasp the urgency of this problem. More than 3.4 million people die each year from water,...

WOW!!!!! Singaporeans Have A Very Cool (And Refreshing) Way To Say Thanks To Foreign Workers
When you live in a bustling metropolis, with buildings larger than life – it’s easy to take things for granted. One of those things that...

Baby Wearing LED Suit Will Scare The Bajeezus Out Of You!
Every now and then we bring you something pretty simple. When we say simple, we don’t mean that it’s dull, and this one concept is far...

UNBELIEVABLE! This Weird Looking Thing Makes The Most Beautiful Music In The World. No – It
From a distance, it looks like an ancient shield, used by gladiators on a Roman battlefield. Or it could even be a large turtle shell...

Could This Be The Best Prank In Advertising History? – We Think So!
To plan, create & execute a world class advertisng campaign is costly. So why not get your competitors to do it for you? This is exactly...

16 Totally Photoshopped Images That Will Blow Your Mind
John Wilhelm is a Swiss IT Director by day and a mad photo-shopper by night. His subject of choice includes buildings, wildlife and his...

16 Totally Photoshopped Images That Will Blow Your Mind
John Wilhelm is a Swiss IT Director by day and a mad photo-shopper by night. His subject of choice includes buildings, wildlife and his...

The Awesome Vending Machine! We know that many of you may have seen this one already but we love it so much we had to...

On Materialism
This was such a great piece that I had to re post it from a great blog Hereandloathing – please enjoy and spread the wisdom! ADx...
Articles: Blog2
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