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If Your Kid Loves To Draw, You Have To Show Them This Video. They Will Thank You For It.

This one is for the parents out there with young children who love to draw.

If your child loves to draw like mine does, then you really to show them this amazing video.

When the talented Kseniya Simonova walked on stage at Ukraine Got Talent, the crowd didn’t really know what to expect. What happened next completely blew everybody away. Known as a sand animation artist, Kseniya used dramatic music to bring her animations to life.

What was even more interesting to watch, was my child’s reaction to this, who was completely blown away at the creativity and medium used to express this art form. She instantly pulled out her sketch board and pencils and started to draw. In the shower that evening, I found her drawing on the shower screen door which was steamed up – and I must say, it was pretty good (yes, I’m a proud parent).

Children need artistic inspiration and this video did it for my little one.

Hope it will do it for yours! [youtube id= “518XP8prwZo#t” width=”667″ height=”356″]


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