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5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Not So Healthy
Recently, it seems that every day there is some new nutritional advice. Researchers are constantly discovering new properties of the...

Want To Beat The Clock And Slow Down Aging? Doctor Says Get In The Pool
OUTRALF HIRSCHBERGER/AFP/Getty Images The 1985 Ron Howard movie “Cocoon” sees a group of elderly adults gain a new found strength,...

Top 10 Foods To Lower Your Cholesterol – Living 360
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the Untied States, and, unfortunately, it is our own fault. We are now eat much more fatty...

The Secret Is Out: How To Get The BEST Sleep Of Your Life
Sleep is a key part of our day and an important part of our existence and health; but as important as at is, it’s not something that...

Kale, Quinoa, Chia Seeds – Superfoods or Superhype?
The last few years has seen a surge in superfoods – foods that many people have never even heard of have suddenly become best sellers on...

The Amazing Health Secret Nobody Told You About – For Real!
By Courtney Witt What would you say about something as simple as an herb that could literally save your life? So many of us take...

Vacuum The House And Look Like A Million Bucks.. Yes It’s Possible
Hello Living 360! So, last time I asked just what is stopping you from starting to work towards your dream of a new healthier, fitter...

The Secret Of Quinoa: See Why The World Is Going Crazy For This Superfood
By Taber Maier It’s a brand new year and many will have their top resolution being getting in better shape/health. So I thought I’d...

Healthy Foods With Insane Amounts Of Sugar – What Were You Thinking??
Most of us look plan our weight loss campaigns around the reduction of fats and completely neglect the role of refined sugar in our daily...

Taber’s World In 2014: Let’s Get Positive
Well it’s that time of the year again where we decide to make some changes to better ourselves and our quality of life by making...

365 Ways To Get Rich
Ever wanted the keys to the kingdom handed to you so at a click of a finger, you can be filthy rich? Well dream on because becoming rich...

Are You Nuts About Living A Longer Life??
We often find ourselves investing is super expensive multi-vitamins and advanced dietry solutions to keep healthy & trim but the truth...

Laugh More To Live Longer
If you are feeling down, there are a million different things that you can do to make yourself feel better – and we are not going to get...

Kale Competitors: How Do Other Greens Stack Up
If you speak to any fitness fanatic out there today, there’s a good chance they will bang-on about how wonderful Kale is for you. People...

Welcome To The Aloe Vera Fountain Of Youth
There’s a good chance that most of us has slathered a cooling aloe vera gel over a piping hot sunburn. Perhaps even cracked open a fresh...

My dirty little ‘health’ secrets!
We all know that exercising right goes hand in hand with eating right. But did you know that there are foods which can actually enhance...

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
As we stumble into one of my favorite celebrations – Halloween, stores all over the world are lined with Jack O’ Lanterns and the humble...
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